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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Birding Northwest Ecuador

I have been so busy over the past several months working on my book, “Birding Northwest Ecuador”, that I haven’t had much time to work on this blog. But the book is finished now and available on so I can return to traveling around the countryside in search of some of those elusive birds.

The book concentrates on the more frequently visited birding areas such as Milpe Bird Sanctuary and Paz de las Aves. These areas are discussed in depth and include GPS coordinates and detailed maps on how to reach each location. There are also bird lists for the areas to help narrow down the species that one may encounter.

While in the process of collecting information for the next volume, “Birding Northeast Ecuador”, I thought that I would concentrate this blog on those lesser-known birding areas that people hear about but never have the opportunity to access. Some of these regions have little local traffic and are relatively devoid of avetourists. Only local guides or enthusiasts are familiar with many of these places.

I remember when I first moved to Ecuador 12 years ago and I tried to find my way around. The road system was poor, street signs were almost nonexistent and most people could not give you descent directions. I wasted a lot of time trying to find places through trial and error. It has improved greatly over the past several years but it can still be a daunting process of getting to where you want to go, even if you are familiar with the area. Hopefully through these blogs I can help others avoid the pitfalls that I have encountered.

As I travel around the country I will be creating directional maps along with bird lists, GPS coordinates and pertinent information that will help the enthusiast in their discovery of all that Ecuador has to offer. If anyone has any questions or comments about the areas that I visit I welcome their input. I may be contacted at I have also opened a new Facebook page titled “Birding Ona Budget Ecuador” where I will post recommendations on places to go along with lodging and restaurants. 

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